Bath-Highland Network Authority Virtual Meeting

The Bath-Highland Network Authority is scheduled to meet on February 7, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be conducted by video conference call, rather than in-person. Join the Zoom call by one of the following three ways:

1) Through your browser:
2) Download Zoom Mobile App for iPhone or Android
Meeting ID: 871 3325 0454
Passcode: 595087
3) Dial-in (audio only):
Meeting ID: 871 3325 0454
Passcode: 595087

For more information about the meeting, please contact Ms. Hunter Moore at 540-885-5174 or

Bath-Highland Network Authority Receives VATI Grant

In December, Governor Northam announced the allocation of $722 million to provide universal broadband infrastructure in 70 localities, which will close 90% of Virginia’s digital divide. The funding—from the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) and the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)—will support 35 projects. One of those projects is the Bath-Highland Network Authority 2022 Universal Broadband Project, which was awarded over $7 million. The CSPDC was the applicant on behalf of the Bath-Highland Network Authority and MGW is the co-applicant to bring universal broadband coverage to Bath and Highland counties.

  • Total project cost: $10,990,000
  • Total matching funds: $3,113,200 (28.3% of the total project)
    • MGW is providing $2,013,200
    • Bath County is providing $800,000 in local ARPA funds
    • Highland County is providing $300,000 in local ARPA funds
  • Total VATI funding request: $7,876,800
  • Total locations served: 2,470 locations (Bath: 2,156 and Highland: 314)

Sites Enhancement Project Progressing

Over the last several months the GO Virginia Region 8 Shenandoah Valley Sites Enhancement Project has been making quick progress in completing necessary due diligence on significant and attractive sites throughout the region. The project will expand our region’s capacity to attract new business investment by advancing the Virginia Economic Development Partnership Business Ready Tier level for sites located throughout the Shenandoah Valley. Activities include wetlands delineation, geotechnical exploration, boundary survey, topographical survey, cultural resource review, threatened and endangered species review, Phase 1 environmental site assessment and master planning. Our region’s close proximity to interstate, rail, and airline transportation, as well as the Port of Virginia makes the Valley a well-suited location for new or expanded business, however, lack of ready-sites has been a significant reason for loss of prospects in the past. Project completion is expected by Q2 of 2022.

PDC Housing RFP Released

Applications for affordable housing developers seeking funds through the PDC Housing Development Program are now open. In July 2021, the CSPDC was awarded $2 million in funding to support the creation of new affordable housing units. Specifically, the CSPDC is positioned to provide gap funds toward the creation of at least 20 affordable units by July 1, 2024. The CSPDC has released a Request for Proposals for non-profit, public, and private affordable housing developers seeking gap funds for proposed affordable housing development. The application will remain open until Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 at 5pm. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of CSPDC staff, and funding decisions will be made in March 2022. Application materials can be found on the CSPDC website at, and should be submitted to Olivia Raines at

On Wednesday, January 12th from 9am-11am, the CSPDC will be hosting an ‘Office Hours’ session for those interested in applying for PDC Housing Development Program funds that have questions about the application process. Click here to download the calendar invite. For additional guidance or to see if your project is eligible, please see our RFP Guidelines, or contact Olivia Raines.

Ag Innovation Center in Buena Vista Receives GO Virginia Funds

This December, the GO Virginia State Board awarded The Advancement Foundation a $550,000 Per Capita Grant for an Ag Innovation Center in downtown Buena Vista.  The Advancement Foundation will repurpose a vacant industrial site into a multiuse manufacturing, business incubation, and product development facility.  GO Virginia funds will support staff and programming at the Ag Innovation Center.  The project aligns with the City of Buena Vista’s new Downtown Revitalization Plan, as well as the CSPDC’s Ag Enterprise Feasibility Study and JMU’s Industrial Hemp Study (two GO Virginia-funded initiatives).  CSPDC staff assisted the grant application and will administer the GO Virginia grant.

CSPDC Staff Gives Back

Many organizations have “Casual Fridays”, a perk for employees to end the work week in more comfortable clothing. For CSPDC staff, the opportunity to wear jeans on Fridays is granted by making a small monetary contribution. Over many years, the CSPDC’s “Jeans For Charity” Program has made donations to help people throughout the Region and beyond. In 2021, staff contributed more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) to a variety of organizations. Through these donations, the CSPDC supported an organization that provides transportation services to low income individuals trying to get to work; sponsored a staff member who participated in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk; supplied people in need with food, clothing, and furniture; assisted Afghan refugees who have moved into the Region; helped people hospitalized with mental illness with clothing and personal needs; and made Christmas brighter for children who have very little. Fridays for CSPDC staff are more than “casual”, it is a day to extend a helping hand to those in need.