CEDS Public Notice

The Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC) is seeking public comment on the draft Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The CEDS document is an economic development tool designed to leverage assets from across the Central Shenandoah Region to bolster the regional economy. The CEDS will prepare the CSPDC to pursue future funding opportunities with the Economic Development Administration and act as a roadmap for future economic development endeavors across the region.

The document, as well as the mandatory criteria used in the creation of the document, is available for review here or at the CSPDC Office, 112 MacTanly Place; Staunton, VA 24401. Comments may be submitted to the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission at elizabeth@cspdc.org or the above address.  Comments will be accepted from September 12-October 12, 2018.  The CEDS Committee will consider adoption of the CEDS document during the CSPDC meeting on October 15, 2018, at the CSPDC Office.

GO Virginia Region 8 Council Now Accepting Project Proposals


The GO Virginia Region 8 Council is pleased to announce that it is accepting proposals for projects to be funded through the State’s GO Virginia initiative.  The Region 8 Council has approximately $1.6 million in GO Virginia funds to award to projects in the region.  The upcoming application deadline is October 5, 2018, for per capita and enhanced capacity building proposals.

For a project to be considered by the Region 8 Council complete the application available on the Shenandoah Valley Partnership’s website at: https://theshenandoahvalley.com/govirginia/  Also at that link is an application guide that offers background information on GO Virginia and the Region 8 Council, provides the criteria for eligible projects, and outlines the application and award process.


September is National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month is a nationwide campaign held each September to educate about the importance of preparation before disasters occur. This year’s National Preparedness Month focuses on planning. The theme is “Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.”
Each week of National Preparedness Month, the Ready Campaign emphasizes a unique aspect of preparedness:
Week 1: Sept 1-8 – Make and Practice Your Plan
Week 2: Sept 9-15 – Learn Life Saving Skills
Week 3: Sept 16-22 – Check Your Insurance Coverage
Week 4: Sept 23-29 – Save For an Emergency
The CSPDC provides year-round resiliency and disaster preparedness education and training in our region through its public awareness program, Shenandoah Valley Project Impact, and by coordinating the  Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro Community Emergency Response Team.