Lexington Conducts City-Wide Windshield Survey to Assess Housing

In October, Summit Design and Engineering Services, the consulting firm hired by the City of Lexington, conducted a survey of the city’s housing to assess local needs. Summit’s team performed a city-wide windshield survey, driving through every neighborhood to evaluate the condition of buildings using a standardized methodology.

The survey results are one piece of a forthcoming report that will document the current state of the City’s housing stock, assess both present and future needs, and propose potential recommendations and strategies for improvement. The report will also incorporate data from existing plans and studies, interviews with local stakeholders, and spatially-mapped Census data.

The windshield survey follows the award of a $50,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Planning Grant by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to the City of Lexington. The grant, awarded last year, supports the completion of a comprehensive housing and infrastructure survey as well as a needs assessment. It aims to provide critical data for the City, build on the CSPDC’s Regional Housing Study, and assist local partners like the Threshold Housing Commission in developing and implementing effective housing strategies.

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